Life Update: August 2018

Hi friends! I’m back with another life update today sharing what’s been going on in my world lately, what’s keeping me busy and everything that’s coming up within the next month or so!

I turn 25 a month from today! Though people tend to get sad about turning another year older, I think 25 actually kind of sounds like a fun age. When 26 (and everything after it) rolls around and I’m officially in my “late twenties,” that may be a different story. I don’t have any big plans for my birthday and usually don’t, but I do plan to do another post on what I’ve learned over the past year and goals for this next age of my life for my birthday like I usually do. You can read last year’s here.

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know Justin has been having some health issues over the past year. To refresh you, he had several tests and procedures done to try to find why he was having crazy stomach/bowel problems for about nine months, but the results didn’t show much. The problem gradually died down over the last few months and we’re so thankful. Symptoms flair up here and there still, but overall he’s so much better. Recently he’s cut out dairy again to try to kick whatever’s left, which has us reevaluating how to cook certain things and the different types of groceries we need to buy. Oh, and to update you on his hyneria surgery (completely unrelated to his other health issues — as you can see, it’s been a rough year! 😅), everything healed beautifully!

As for a blogging update, I’ve booked my second travel collaboration and I couldn’t be more excited! I can’t state enough how exciting and rewarding it is to have reached this milestone in my blogging career. I don’t really pitch any form of collaborations and let them come to me, simply because I’ve been lucky enough to have work flowing in organically — so it feels so great to have had these hotels and destinations come to me and be naturally drawn to my work on their own. It’s the best feeling to be recognized for my hard work and for brands I respect so much to see value in me. Hard work really does pay off!

We’re still chugging away with house hunting (catch up on our journey here) without much to update you on. It’s still tough and discouraging, but we try to stay positive. There’s an auction coming up on a house we like that we’re going to take a stab at, but we think it’s going to go for much higher than we’re willing to spend. We’ve discussed the max price we’re able to offer, so I’ll let you know how that goes when the time comes.

I’m not ready for summer to come to an end — like, not even a little bit. It’s my favorite season and I’ve enjoyed this beautiful, warm and sunshine-filled weather so much that I’m just not ready to let it go! I love being able to slide some shoes on and run out the door without having to grab a coat. Life feels so easy in the summertime. Who’s with me?!

We’re watching Scandal right now and are loving it! We love having a show to watch together as we settle down for bed every night to unwind, and after having this one on my list to watch for YEARS, we finally started it last week. After working at a a crisis management PR firm for a couple years, I chuckle at the vocabulary and instances within the show. I swear ABC makes some of the best series, because Revenge, Quantico and How to Get Away With Murder have been some of my all time favorites!

That about covers it for me! What have you all been up to? Thanks so much for catching up with me & see you in Wednesday’s new post!


    1. Riverdale is so good too — it’s not one I expected my husband would like, but we love it! We just got to the part in Scandal when you know who gets shot in the second season I think. I’m dying to get home to find out what happens! 🙊

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