Let’s Talk: Astrology + My Birth Chart

Let's Talk: Astrology + My Birth Chart

As you may know, my “Let’s Talk” posts give me an opportunity to chat with you guys on a personal level about topics of any kind, and today’s is on something I’m intrigued by: astrology. Though I’ve mentioned astrology here and there on my blog, some of you may not know it’s something I enjoy because I truly love analyzing people’s actions and personalities. Though I don’t take any of it too seriously, nor do I keep up with any type of horoscopes, I like to use it as a fun tool to learn more about myself and those around me. Keep reading for my birth chart and whether I think it’s accurate or not!

My interest in astrology sparked from my desire to analyze people I think. Some YouTubers I watch, like Kendall Rae, have videos breaking down each sign and out of curiosity one day, I watched one on Virgos (my sign) and couldn’t stop laughing at how accurate it was for me — the good, the bad and the ugly. It was all so spot on. As I watched her videos on all the other signs, I found them to be super accurate for everyone else in my life too, and from there I started discussing astrology with friends and family and found out some of them were interested in it too.

I’ve come to realize a lot of people are more into astrology than they’d like to admit because so many people out there think it’s a load of crap. Whether it is or not, I still find it so fascinating. I totally understand that only some of you may be interested in this, but if you’re curious at all, I suggest taking a look at your birth chart anyway just for the experience. It’s quick, easy and free, and it’s so interesting to see what it says about you and whether you feel it’s accurate or not. To complete your birth chart, you need:

  • Your birth date
  • City and state you were born in
  • The exact time you were born

Once you enter this information online, it will generate your birth chart in seconds with all of you signs in relation to your zodiac. I learned a few years back that there’s so much more to astrology than just your sun sign, which is what we all commonly know. You have signs relating to other elements that your life that further speak to how you love, problem solve, communicate and so much more. I’m certainly no professional and there’s SO MUCH I don’t know, but this may give you some insight.

Before jumping into my birth chart, I want to state that Justin and I have so many similarities in our charts — about half! So crazy, right?! I always feel like we’re similar in a lot of ways, so that further attests to that.


I’m only going to focus on the left side of my chart in this post because it’s the one I’m most familiar with. Your birth chart is really jam packed with information and so unique to you. Below is a very condensed break down of what my chart means, but it really only scratched the surface of the full chart you can get on the website. I’m curious to see how many of you have the same signs as me in the same places, so let me know if you do!

Sun in Virgo
It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, “clean freak” in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how.

Virgo’s symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is “natural” and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they’ve convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it.

Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete. There’s an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They’ll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don’t let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.

Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious.

As I mentioned, I’ve always felt connected to my sun sign, and everyone close to me agrees too! Knowing these traits about myself have helped me better understand why my brain works the way it does, as silly as that may sound. I’ve learned why I communicate the way I do, how I approach arguments and what I need in my life to remain balanced. This is all so intriguing to me!

Virgo ascendant Sagittarius — Sun in IX
You have a deep need to understand the world around you. You have high ideals and you have your eye on what’s on the horizon. You are looking ahead, and at times can seem quite restless. You are proud of your knowledge and of your morals. Be sure to avoid self-righteousness in your enthusiasm to share your knowledge. When used correctly, you are a tolerant, adventurous, and curious person, and you want to see the best in people and in life.

Short description: She has lots of vitality. She likes public life, she is popular and her company is appreciated. She is balanced, at ease with herself and usually gets on very well with her parents.

I’ve learned your ascendant represents the way others see you, your general impression on people and your “spontaneous reactions.” I definitely connect with the restless thing and being proud of who I am. Though I haven’t always been that way, it’s definitely developed with age. I agree with the being tolerant comment and wanting to see the best in people too, even when they may not deserve it — which I find to be both a blessing and a curse.

Moon in Taurus
Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. She is foresighted and willful. She knows how to trust. She appreciates all the good things in life. She appreciates and protects Nature.

I’ve read your moon falls second in importance to your sun sign representing your emotions and inner mood, and this one couldn’t be nicer! 😂 Justin is a Taurus and we both are Taurus moons, so we’re pretty similar. Foresighted and strong-willed feels so true for me!

Mercury in Virgo
She discusses, deduces and judges. She reasons logically and accurately. She spends a lot of time on practical matters and keeping things in order. Sometimes nitpicky and nervous, secretly feeling she handles matters better than others.

Mercury represents your communication, and this screams YES for me. I always think I can do things better than other people if it’s in an area I have strength in, so letting others help me or delegating tasks to someone else can be difficult. I’m always realistic and focus on what’s practical too.

Venus in Leo
Sincere, frank and warm affections. She is full of tenderness. High hopes in love. She likes to live and satisfy her passions to the fullest. Can be possessive and might even seduce for the sake of seducing to prove to herself that she is attractive. Very proud in love, and warm-hearted and generous with loved ones.

I’m LOLing at this one.

Mars in Libra
Mars in Libra natives often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not their strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Many people with this position procrastinate, generally because they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action.

This feels about right. I’ve never been one to jump the gun and I always think about things before I do them. I’m not a risk taker and always evaluate the circumstances too.

Jupiter in Libra
She attracts the most good fortune when she is fair-minded, treats others with equality, is bending without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses her talents at promoting and mediating. Values people and relationships, and might succeed best in partnership. Relating as equals is important to you. The arts, architecture, law, math, mediating, and politics are possible avenues for success. Use of charm and grace to reach goals.

This seems true for me except for the architecture, law, math, mediating and politics thing — the arts though maybe, only if it relates to creativity. All the rest don’t interest me!

Saturn in Aquarius
Long-term studies and, if family circumstances do not allow this, she will teach herself. She is serious and methodical in work. Likes to visit the elderly and intellectuals, who both enrich her mind.

I’d say this is accurate. I’d much rather have the satisfaction of teaching myself how to do something correctly, rather than letting someone else show me the way if I feel that I am capable.

Uranus in Capricorn
A great battler. She has so much power, that one thinks nothing can defeat her. Her mission in society, in the world means everything to her.

I think this pretty much means I’m feisty in an argument if I feel like I’m right — nothing to deny here.


That’s my birth chart! I hope you guys enjoyed this post and whether you relate to your chart or not, let me know in the comments — let’s chat about it! You can check out all of my previous “Let’s Talk” posts here. Thanks so much for reading & have the best day!