Goal Update: 24 Things I Want to Accomplish at 24

Happy Monday! I’m back with a new post today sharing an update on the goals I set for myself on my 24th birthday back in September titled, “24 Things I Want to Accomplish at 24.” I thought it would be beneficial for me to do an update at around the six-month mark not only to help me revisit my goals, but continue to push forward with strengthened motivation — and I hope you guys find it motivational too! Keep reading for my progress on everything I want to cross off my life list this year!

24 Things I Want to Accomplish at 24

  1. Go legitimate house hunting and make steps to (hopefully) buy or rent our first home.
    This is something we’re now looking into and I’m so excited! This seemed like a lofty goal when I wrote it down months ago, but I’m happy that it could be happening for us sooner than I anticipated. We submitted our pre-approval for a mortgage this weekend and checked out some open houses!
  2. Do something I’m scared of and didn’t think I could do, but have always wanted to.
    I’ve done this in a few ways already over the last few months, the first coming to mind is hosting an event for Gordmans. This was something wayyyy out of my comfort zone (or so I thought before I did it), but it went well and was a great experience!
  3. Make Bone & Bloom and Bruster & Co flourish.
    Though I’m slowly keeping up Bone & Bloom on the side, Bruster & Co has taken a backseat because we’re so busy during the school year while Justin teaches. We went into both of these knowing they be complete side projects next to our existing full-time jobs, so that’s all totally fine. I’m gotten to work with some really fun clients through Bone & Bloom while earning extra money on the side!
  4. Take better care of my body — I’m the worst at drinking water and eating full, scheduled meals.
    I’ve gotten so much better at this since I started my new job back in November because I no longer eat fast food for lunch and I actually pack my lunch every single day! This has not only helped me start consuming more nutritious foods (I eat a lot of salads, chicken and wraps), but I’m also saving money.
  5. Get back on a regular cleaning routine — this seems silly, but is essential for the organized person that I am!
    I’m still working on this one and I wish I could say I’ve perfected my routine, but I’m not quite there yet. Sometimes you just don’t want to do anything after you come home from a full work day, you know? However, I can confidently say my work weeks start out so much better when I have a clean house to come home to, so I’m prioritizing this one!
  6. Be present more by learning to unplug and not work so much.
    I’m a workaholic and this can be a constant struggle for me if I let my work consume my life. I’ve consistently made it a goal of mine to spend less and less time on my computer when I get home and allow myself to relax.
  7. Be more confident — I’ve grown so much in this area, but I want to continue to get better!
    I’ve gotten better and better at this every single day. I truly think a confidence is a characteristic you’re either born with or you’re not, and it tends to strengthen with age. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more sure of myself, who I am and what I want, which has made the biggest difference in all aspects of my life.
  8. Complete a minimum of two brand collaborations per month for the entire year.
    Of course I’m only a few months in at this point, but I’m not mad about where I’m at on this.
  9. Take at least one class or workshop.
    I haven’t done this, but it’s on my list! Are there any you guys recommend?
  10. Learn new skills, like calligraphy or furthering my coding knowledge.
    I’ve been learning more about Lightroom and getting into presets, which I’d been wanting to do for a long time.
  11. Grow with Justin individually and as a married couple.
    Check. 🙂
  12. Give more compliments.
    I do think this is something I’ve gotten better at since I’ve decided to make it a goal. I always try to remind myself that if I’m thinking something positive about someone, I should say it to them.
  13. Connect with more people.
    I haven’t done this too much yet outside of work, but I’d like to focus on this more within the next few months. My circle of friends is small since we’re all busy with work and what not, so I wouldn’t mind connecting with others in the area.
  14. Read more blogs on a regular basis.
    As a blogger myself, I want to support other bloggers more and I’ve focused on checking out a couple new blogs every day or two.
  15. Smile more.
    I’m much happier at my current job, so that makes this so much easier! I can confidently say I wake up much happier every day now then I did prior to my birthday last year because of this, which is a feeling that can’t be beat.
  16. Become a better cook and try out more recipes — this one’s for you, Justin! 😉
    Though I haven’t tried out anything too crazy, I have been cooking a bit more and I don’t mind doing it when I have the time. I love the feeling of having dinner ready to eat when Justin comes home, so that always makes the time and effort so worth it.
  17. Do my hair more often — I get so lazy sometimes and I always feel so much better when I do it!
    I now curl my hair every single day, so I call this a success! I think I was overwhelmed with my long hair before, so the haircut I got back in September refreshed me and gave me a new canvas to work with.
  18. Learn to love my full-time career life as much as I love my personal life.
    I could seriously cry happy tears because this has become my reality! I’m so thankful to be where I’m at and I’m loving working more than ever. Don’t stop until your find your place, guys!
  19. Appreciate how far I’ve come and always be proud of where I am.
    This will be a forever goal for me, and I feel good about where I’m at on this.
  20. Want less, cherish more.
    This is always be something I’ll have to keep in mind because I’m human, just like all of you, and it’s easy to desire things I don’t have. I’m always reminding myself to be appreciate what I do have and not want things I do not need.
  21. Remember that life doesn’t have to be so planned.
    This trait is set in my personality, but reminding myself of this helps eliminate some unnecessary stress in my life.
  22. Value experiences.
    I think this is a goal I share with many people. I’m not a huge experience girl naturally and tend to want to stay at home to save money, but sometimes fun memories are worth the investment.
  23. Learn to try (and maybe enjoy) activities I’d normally think I wouldn’t.
    I wouldn’t say I’m one to always try new things, so I want to become better at this by finding new hobbies for Justin and myself.
  24. Become more comfortable talking about my successes and accomplishments. It’s not boasting.
    This will probably always be a little tough for me because it’s just not who I am to talk about myself and my accomplishments — society has really taught us that talking about your successes is a negative thing, so I’m always working to erase that out of my head and become more comfortable with it.

What are your goals for this year? Do we share any of the same ones? I hope you found this post to be motivating and inspiring, since that’s how I feel when I read things like this from others. I’ll be doing a full one-year update when my birthday comes in September. 🙂

Unfortunately there isn’t a new video up on my YouTube channel today as there should be because I spent a majority of the weekend in bed with a migraine (yuck — this is the first time this has happened in a very long time, so I feel like I can’t complain too much), and the rest was spent doing our taxes and touring some open houses (a house hunting/buying series is coming!). Thanks so much for reading & I hope you have a great week!