Friday Favorites

Hi! I hope it’s not too soon to be sharing another Friday Favorites post, but these are some of my favorite posts to read and write since I love sharing things I’ve been loving + finding new things to try from others too. Keep reading for my current true crime TV, fashion, movie + YouTube favorites!

True Crime
Let’s just say this category is probably going to be a constant in all of my FF posts — I’m obsessed, guys! I’ve linked some of my favorite episodes I’ve watched below. If you love true crime and mysteries, you’re going to love these!

American Eagle Black Jeggings
If you’ve been looking for comfortable “jeans” that match everything you own and you won’t be dying to take off by the end of the day, these jeggings are for you. I’ve been wearing these literally every single day since I bought them and can’t recommend them enough! You can buy them in short, regular, long and extra long lengths online, which I really love since that makes finding a pair that fits you like a glove so much easier.


“Kidnapped” Movie
Speaking of movies, I recommend this one! It stars Halle Berry, so it was very reminiscent of “The Call” for me — which I also really loved. The movie is about her six-year-old son that gets abducted when out in public and she literally chases after the car in the most wild chase I’ve ever seen. If you’re into thrillers and suspense, you’re going to love this one. It’s in Redbox right now and you can rent it on YouTube too!


I know everyone and their mother probably watches Shane Dawson, but I’ve gotten more into his videos lately. Justin and I have been watching them together and we literally laugh out loud, especially at his recent ones going ghost hunting at haunted places. They’re seriously so funny! I suggest starting with the video above (I know the title is irreverent to the ghost hunting, but this is where it all starts), then continuing with the ones below.

That’s all for today — I had a great week and I hope you all did too! Justin and I are getting our taxes done this weekend (bleh) and going to look for some open houses to go to (yay). 🙂  Have a fun weekend, everyone!