Update: 6 Weeks Off Birth Control

Update: 6 Weeks Off Birth Control

Hi everyone! Today’s post is an update on how I’m feeling and what I’ve experienced six weeks of being off birth control, following being on it for five years. As I’ve explained in my other updates, I’m preparing for when Justin and I try to have a baby by not only cleansing my body of birth control, but my other daily medications as well. Keep reading for details on how things have been going, including an exciting update!

If you haven’t read my previous updates, check those out first:

First and foremost, I’m VERY thrilled to report that I started my period! I went off birth control immediately after my last period on September 9 and I started my first period birth control-free on October 7, which was one week later than I normally would have started when on the pill. I didn’t have any symptoms leading up to it, so it was a total surprise for me. It was somewhat different than my periods had been on the pill, but still in the normal range for me. Since I did start within my first month (well, 5 weeks), I’m hoping my body keeps this up and I stay super regular. This will make tracking my cycle for conception so much easier, if/when needed.

As I’ve mentioned, I went off my daily preventative migraine medication a few weeks ago (which I’d been taking every single night for a few years) and I’m honestly shocked to report that I’ve had way less migraines. I don’t know if it’s because of the absence of birth control in my system additionally as well or what, but I’ve only had about 4 somewhat bad ones when I would have normally had 10 by now. That’s huge for me! I’m so pleasantly surprised because I expected my “withdrawal” off these medications to be super rocky, but it couldn’t have been more smooth. I even purposely planned to do this while I was working from home for a couple months in case things became miserable, but it thankfully didn’t whatsoever! This gives me so much peace and it reassures me that this is the right thing for me to do and it’s the right time. I really can’t express enough of much of a sigh of relief it is.

I chatted about prenatal vitamins previously and I’ve decided I’m probably going to start those as soon as Justin and I start trying (again, no determined date on that yet). A couple of you shared stories with me about how you were so happy you started taking them ahead of time because by the time you did discover you were pregnant, your baby had been getting those vitamins from you for weeks already since the date of conception. I love that and I think I’d like to do the same!

Real talk — I’m just so excited to become a mom. I always assumed I would just know when I was ready and that has proven to be true. It’s weird, but that’s really how it feels. It feels like an overwhelming peace about it and when elements of your life start to align with that feeling, it feels like an effortless next step. It just feels right. I don’t know how else to explain it, but for those of you in the same position or who already have kids, was that how you felt too? Anyway, I’m just excited to see when and how things unfold, and I’m hoping for the best. The future is exciting!


That’s my update! I don’t know how frequently I’ll continue doing these updates, but I assume that I will anytime there is something noteworthy. Thanks so much for following along on this journey with me and for also serving as a resource! I’ve gotten some really sweet messages from you guys with advice and kind words, which I’ve appreciated so much. The whole reason I’m sharing this is because I know it’s relatable for so many of us, so thank you for participating in the conversation. Anyway, have a fun weekend and I’ll catch you in my next post!