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Let’s Talk: Business Goals For My Blog + Why I Do What I Do

Let's Talk: Business Goals For My Blog & Why I Do What I Do

It’s been so long since I’ve done a “Let’s Talk” post, and I’ve really missed it! I didn’t stop doing them for any reason, but I had so many other posts in mind that these took a back seat — until today. Today I’m discussing my business goals for my blog, why I do what I do, my overall mission, how I stay motivated and more!

I get blogging questions from my readers and followers all the time. Maybe it’s because I’ve even doing this for over 2.5 years and seem to have having the figured out, though none of us truly do. I love helping others (hence my blogging series), but the business side of things is something people seem drawn to the most. Though I started my blog solely as a hobby, it’s grown into something I’m proud of on the business side of things as well. Here are some of the biggest things to consider when taking a step back and evaluating a the meaning and route of a genuine passion like this.


I think it’s important to have a mission for passions you’ve pursued to know and understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. Something I’ve always had in mind and have tried to implement here on my blog is inspiring women (and men, whoever you are) to pursue their dreams, be confident, career-driven, dream-driven and authentic people. I want people to feel good about themselves and more confident in their abilities after visiting my blog. The is a lasting impact I try to leave with every person I spend time with (and within all content I share) because I find so much value in encouraging others (and myself) to chase after what they want. I want everyone to feel motivated to stay true to themselves and not try to fit into any type of mold in order to find validation or success. There’s so much beauty and potential in being who you are and pursuing your passions with good intentions.


This is a great question and is something I think many people in this industry (or entrepreneurs in general) have to revisit from time to time. Something that really empowers me is reminding myself that this blog of mine is in fact a business, because sometimes it can feel like it’s not for some reason. This is a business I love and have built all by myself from the ground up that brings in opportunities and additional income for me, and reminding myself of that helps me reenergize and maintain my drive. Like everyone else, I get down on my abilities and where I’m going with this sometimes, but the truth is, there doesn’t have to be an end goal. If you’re doing what you love, consistent short-term goals are what are going to keep you going and growing.


People have asked me, “would you like to be blogging full time one day?” and I don’t have an immediate answer. I think it would be great to be self-employed when we have kids in the future, but this isn’t something I’m depending on whatsoever. At this point in my life, I like knowing that I’m having steady paychecks coming in and I really do enjoy my full-time job. I have aspirations of what my blog could grow into one day, but that’s not something I’m depending on, if that makes sense. What keeps me going is that there truly are so many possibilities, along with the genuine raw passion I have for what I do. I’d love to see this blog that I’ve worked so hard to build to continue to grow and expand, and that will always be enough for me.


I want to challenge you guys to consider why you do what you do (especially from a business standpoint) and what your goals really are. I hope revisiting these things will help reenergize you, boost your motivation and serve as a positive reminder as to why you do what you do. Since this is a “Let’s Talk” post, I want to hear from YOU — share your thoughts in a comment below. Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to visit my blog and I hope you all enjoy the remainder of your weekend this Memorial Day!