Step-by-Step Guide on Changing Your Name After Marriage
The thought of going through the process of changing my name initially sounded so tedious and difficult, so I was looked for a post like this when I finally decided to tackle it so I could know exactly what to do. I figured I’d write my own and share it here on my blog for those of you who have followed along with my wedding series and may also be getting married/have gotten married, and are looking for the next steps. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide on changing your name after marriage and details on the documentation you need to obtain to do so!

Get a certified, stamped copy of your marriage license.
If you don’t already have a copy of this, you can fill out and mail a form and payment (check or money order only) to your local clerk’s office, or by visiting the office in person. You will need your marriage license number, which you can get by calling the clerk’s office if you’re unsure. Copies of your marriage license can be purchased for only $2 each in Indiana — I ordered two copies just to be safe, but you really only need one copy. Our officiant provided us with the paperwork to do all of this, so check with him/her to see if yours did the same for you.
Change the name on your social security card.
Take a trip to your local social security office with your driver’s license and marriage license in tow. There were three locations for me to choose from in my county, so I picked one that wasn’t downtown so I wouldn’t have to pay for parking to save a little bit of money (pro tip, y’all). I went during the middle of the work day thinking no one would be there, but every single chair in the office was filled except for two! Yikes! Enter your reason for visiting in the check-in machine when you first walk in, take a number and wait to be called. I probably waited for 15-20 minutes, but once I was called back, the actual process of changing my name only took five minutes — super simple!
Change your name on your driver’s license and registration.
Next, head over to the BMV with your driver’s license, marriage license and new social security documentation. I was told that you need to wait a day after you go to the social security office and you can’t go to both on the same day, so keep that in mind. Be sure to make all appropriate updates while you’re there including changing your address if you’ve moved to a new home with your spouse. Be sure to speak with them about renewing your plate as well.
Change your name on your bank accounts and debit/credit cards.
You’ll need to change your bank account information so your name on your new driver’s license and your debit/credit cards match. I know, I know… so many details! I suggest bringing along your new driver’s license (the paper copy works) and marriage license just to be safe. You’ll probably want to bring your husband along as well to insure your joint accounts get updated too.
Update your passport with your new name.
Click here to find locations near you to apply for/update your passport. I got my passport done at my local post office, so I suggest calling in to see what days/times they offer the service. I’d bring along more documentation this time (especially if this is your first time getting a passport) because it’s required, including your social security card/documentation, birth certificate, marriage license, driver’s license, and previous passport if you have one. If you have questions on specifics or don’t have access to some of these documents, give them a call for clarification. Don’t forget you’ll be getting your picture taken too, so be prepared for that!
Update your name at the pharmacy, doctors’ offices, etc.
Last but not least, this is where you’ll tie off all your loose ends. Make a list of everywhere you can think of where your previous name is on file (specifically places you are at frequently) and notify them of your name change, or remember to do so next time you’re there.
And that’s a wrap! If you’re from the Indy area and would like to know the addresses/information of the places I went to, send me a message and I’d be more than happy to help you out. If you’re married or are getting married soon, share your maiden name and married name in the comments because I’m curious — as you may know, I went from Saylor to Armbruster, which is a pretty big change! No one knows how to spell or pronounce “Armbruster” and I’m 99% sure I may have skipped the second “r” when I wrote my signature for my new license… oops.
I hope you found this post helpful — have a great Thursday, everyone! Click here to view my other wedding posts (including photos from our big day!).