Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Hi everyone! I had another post in mind that I was going to finish and publish today, but I ended up being tight on time with the house inspection (details to come! eeeek!) and decided to do a Friday Favorites instead because BOY do I have some favorites this week. Keep reading for the album I can’t stop listening too (I’m obsessed), fall footwear, shows I’ve been loving + more!

Ariana Grande Sweetener
I anticipated I would love this album since I couldn’t get enough of the singles she’s released this year, and it’s so true. I have been listening to Sweetener nonstop for the last week and I love every song! There’s definitely some that I listen to more than others, which are Borderline (I’m a huge Missy Elliott fan 😂), Everytime, Blazed and Goodnight n Go — and God is a Woman, of course. If you haven’t been that into Ariana’s music style in the past, this album is totally different and leans more toward R&B. It’s more chill, which I like, while still being fun. Definitely give it a listen!



Franco Sarto Fall Footwear
I feel like I’m not ready to let summer go, but new fall shoes have me a tiny bit excited about the change of season. I’ve been in contact with Franco Sarto for the last year and since they’ve seen I’m a longtime wearer of their shoes, they send me a few pairs every season. I feel like a kid on Christmas every single time! This time they sent over the Richland 2 Bootie in ice snake print leather and the Amelia 2 black leather boots with fur (the first two pairs linked below). I mentioned this on my Instagram, but combat boots are totally making a comeback this year and I’m so pumped about it! If you’re looking to invest in some nice boots that will last you for years, I can’t recommend Franco Sarto enough. You can find super discounted pairs at TJ Maxx sometimes, so check there too! Below are some of my faves this season.

Crime Watch Daily’s “Newlywed Bride Pushes Groom Off Cliff”
As a huge true crime lover, I’ve been binging a ton of Crime Watch Daily shows lately. They’re all on YouTube, which is super nice for those of you who don’t have cable like me. This episode in particular has stood out to me and has had my friend and I talking about it because it’s INSANE. This woman pushed her husband of EIGHT DAYS off the side of a cliff and her reasoning and method of covering it up is unbelievable. Trust me, you just have to watch it. Also, who else is following the Chris Watts and Mollie Tibbetts cases like a hawk?! So sad.


Netflix’s “I am a Killer”
I just started this docu-series the other day and I think it’s interesting. It basically interviews one death row murdered per episode, detailing their history, and basically digging into who they are and why they did what they did. If you’ve got some spare time and like this kind of stuff, give it a watch!


That’s all for this week! What have you guys been loving? Thanks so much for stopping by the blog & have a great weekend! Justin and I are going to a football game at the high school he works at, then the Colts game tomorrow and my grandma’s house for a family lunch on Sunday!