Five Years of Blogging

628 posts later, turns 5 today! Five years ago, I launched my blog from my college dorm at the beginning of my senior year and it’s played a consistent role in my life ever since. Today’s post touches on how my life has changed since, my relationship with blogging and the ways this outlet has shaped who I am today.

Let’s rewind. Five years ago today, I was a senior in college. Friendships in my life had changed, Justin and I were a few months away from getting engaged, graduation was coming up in the spring and I was working a job I was trying to love. I had a decent amount of alone time on my hands and I soon found myself creating a website and diving into it full force. It’s something I’d had a vague interest in for years through my love for creating, fashion, etc., but nothing I’d come close to pulling the trigger on for whatever reason until that point. Launching September 1, 2015 with a few posts up, I hit the ground running, posting nearly every day for the first few months and having the time of my life with it.

I can honestly say I still feel the same way about my blog today, all these years later. As much as my life changes and evolves, my love for this remains constant. Blogging has never felt like a chore or obligation to me, and that’s how I know it’s my true passion. It’s my escape, my creative expression and my home. I feel so “me” here and I’m so proud of what I’ve created. It truly is my baby. As much time and energy as I’ve put into my blog, my blog has given even more back to me. I think it’s helped me gain confidence in some ways, given me a voice, helped me experience some amazing opportunities (fun collaborations, travel opportunities, connecting with like-minded people, forming a sense of community and more), and most importantly, express myself in a capacity I hadn’t experienced until this.

With each year that passes, I’m more and more reassured that blogging and I were destined for each other. Even if no one reads my blog (which, thankfully, a lot of you do!), this just feels right. It’s me and it comes so naturally. The fact that I have five years of memories and emotions documented to look back on forever makes me so grateful that I decided to start this in the first place — my digital diary, of sorts. To me, this is so much better than scrolling through the depths of my social media accounts for reminiscing purposes. All of my biggest life moments, emotions and struggles are all documented here on my blog in their most real form for me to relive and learn from whenever wanted or needed.

This fifth year arguably brings on the biggest change yet: motherhood. And just like I have with all the other elements of my life, I’m documenting it all and it’s been great to connect with some of you in a new way through this. To my loyal readers, whether you’ve been around for a long time or just joined me here, thank you. Genuinely, you have no idea how much your support means to me. I don’t need positive affirmations to enjoy and continue what I’m doing, but having it is such a blessing that I value so much. Your feedback adds so much fun to this and I love being able to have a community of people to bounce ideas off of, get advice from, relate to, etc.

Happy Birthday,!