All the Self-Care Strategies I Didn’t Know I Needed

All the Self-Care Strategies I Didn't Know I Needed

This is a topic I’ve hesitated posting about since it’s so arguably “over-talked about” right now, leaving me thinking who wants to read another blog post on self-care?! After a friend requested I do a blog post on this, I’ve come to realize that this topic is so popular because it truly is something that relates to every single person. Though universal, our self-care strategies vary person to person, and change as we grow and get older. Whether you need to recharge, unwind or prep yourself for a busy week ahead, keep reading for all of the self-care strategies I didn’t know I needed that I think will help you guys too!

All the Self-Care Strategies I Didn't Know I Needed

Make a list of things you like to do that make you happy, and turn to those on days when you need a pick-me-up or to refuel.
It’s important to have passions, hobbies, and little thing here and there that make you feel good and happy. Here are a few of mine:

  • Writing blog posts (I suggest journaling if you don’t have a blog)
  • Spending time with my husband
  • Watching true crime shows
  • Having my nails done
  • Watching my favorite YouTubers
  • Having time to get ready leisurely, doing my hair and makeup
  • Dessert
  • Being out and about on sunny, warm days
  • Self-tanning
  • Relaxing in my bedroom with a candle lit

I try to incorporate some of these in my daily life because they’re the things that make me feel the most like myself. I think it’s important to recognize too that self-care strategies you enjoyed a year ago may not be for you anymore. Cleaning was a huge stress reliever for me in college, and though I still thrive best in an organized space, the action of cleaning itself isn’t as therapeutic for me as it used to be. I’m working pretty much all the time on my blog and freelance work, on top of my full-time job as well — so relaxing and having me-time is the best way for me to recharge and be able to wake up the next day energized to do it all over again.

Set aside alone time.
I’m an introvert, so being by myself with my thoughts and doing things for me is very beneficial. I usually have an hour every night after work that Justin and I do our own things, which I suggest giving a try if you’re also introverted — especially if you have a job that requires you to be around other people and communicate with others a lot.

Focus on positivity.
Self-care is all about mental, emotional and physical health, so approaching your everyday life with a positive mindset sets you up for a good day. Your own mind controls so much of how you see yourself and how you treat those around you, so do yourself a favor and approach everything you do with positive emotions and actions. I find having one thing to look forward to each day, even if it’s something as small as eating something you love for dinner or watching a show with your spouse, generates so much positivity and boosts your mood.

Understand that taking time for yourself or for your own vanity is okay.
If spending time upkeeping your appearance is a therapeutic element of your self-care routine, do it! Self-care is all about YOU, so don’t ever feel bad for dedicating time to yourself that could be spent working or crossing other things off your to-do list. I get up 1.5-2 hours before I leave for work each morning to take my time doing my hair and makeup while watching YouTube videos, and it’s one of the absolute best things I do for myself. This is one of my favorite parts of the day because it makes me happy and allows me to start off on the right foot.

I know, I know, this is a big topic in this age of technology and social media. When I can, I like to not jump back on my computer as soon as I get home (which I unfortunately usually have to get on most days since I have work to get done) and simply talk with Justin about our days, phone/computer free. This allows us both time to decompress, check in on each other and simply wind down for the evening. I also suggest to not making looking at your phone your last activity for the day, because whether you’re digesting good or bad things, whatever you last saw is going to stick in your mind as you try to fall asleep. So if you’re going to be looking at something, be sure it’s a book, blog, etc. that makes you feel good. If needed, another mindset that helps with self-care is: consume less, create more. Unplug and focus on your own talents and creations.

Forgive yourself every night and recommit each morning.
This is one of my favorite quotes because as a Virgo and ISFJ, I’m VERY hard on myself. I often have inner guilt about not doing enough, not doing things the best I could, etc. A huge self-care step for me if actively forgiving myself every night, reminding myself that I did everything I could have done and establishing an inner peace about that, then assuring myself that everything else can wait until tomorrow. This falls into the category of positive self-talk as well, but basically, just give yourself the credit you deserve and push any worries about that aside.


What are your best self-care strategies? These are the ones that benefit me most, so I hope these are helpful for some of you. Remember to take care of yourself before you can care for others and be aware of when you need to recharge. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog & enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. I agree with you-such a good topic that everyone can relate to! I love all these ideas and love blogging as a form of journaling!

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