Things To Try This Week: Zucchini Pizza, DIY Succulent Jar + More

Happy Monday! I’m back again this week giving you guys inspiration for things to try to get creative and mix up your daily routine.

Zucchini pizza.
I’ve been dying to try these for months! To achieve these cute and mini pizzas, cut a zucchini into half inch chunks and coat them in olive oil. Add marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, and your toppings of choice — put them in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes and enjoy! Click here to watch how to make them.

Planner customization — plan out your week in style.
This one is simple, but what makes it fun is getting super creative with it. Not all of us sit down and take the time to plan out or goals and activities for the week, but you’ll be amazed how much more you’ll accomplish when you plan it out! Make your planner visually appealing by using different colored pens and markers and adding stickers and decorative touches. I find it to be therapeutic as well as productive — what’s better than that?

Half-up fishtail braid.
LOVE this one — most of us typically stick to the traditional braid, but try mixing it up and doing a fishtail instead. This chunky half-up-do adds great texture to your hair and is often a conversation starter. Be sure to pull apart the pieces when you’re finished to give it a larger, messy look.

Layered necklaces.
This is a simple trend to try out this week. Instead of putting on one necklace before you head out the door in the morning, pair a few that lay nicely together and layer them. Choose simple, dainty ones that will complement one another and don’t overpower each other. This is a great way to add visual appeal to a plain top.

DIY succulent jar.
These cool jars look so chic on your desk or coffee table. Pick up a succulent or two from your local farmer’s market or nursery as well as a mason jar, sand, assorted rocks, and some potting soil. Arrange them in the jar in a layered formation, water it, and watch it grow! To add color, be sure to pick up colored rocks or sand in order to incorporate more hues into your jar.

Which of these ideas are you most excited to try? Check back next Monday for more fun inspiration!

Click here to read last week’s “Things to Try This Week” in case you missed it!


  1. That pizza sounds amazing and easy to do. Also I need to try doing the succulent jar. Maybe I can even make one for my mom. She would love it.

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