What’s Your Love Language?

Love Language

With Valentine’s Day coming up next week, I’m sharing with you one of my favorite tests I’ve ever taken. It’s so interesting to learn more about yourself, especially the way you love and choose to be loved by others. Keep reading to see the benefits of learning your love language, what it means + Justin and I’s results!

“The 5 Love Languages® profile will give you a thorough analysis of your emotional communication preference. It will single out your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your loved one with intimacy and fulfillment.”

We took this quiz a few years ago when we first started dating and loved it. I highly recommend rating what you think you and your partner’s results will be before you take it, then compare it to the real results afterward — you may find that your love language isn’t what you expected. So stop right now and write down what you think you and your partner’s results will be, and rank them if you’d like:

  1. Words of affirmation 
  2. Acts of service
  3. Receiving gifts
  4. Quality time
  5. Physical touch

Take the quiz here (it’s free and quick!) and be sure you answer honestly! No results are bad, so don’t try to avoid getting a certain one because you don’t think it describes you. Below are our results.

My results
Quality time — 12
Words of affirmation — 7
Acts of service — 5
Physical touch — 5
Receiving gifts — 1

Justin’s results
Acts of service — 10
Quality time — 8
Physical touch — 8
Words of affirmation — 3
Receiving gifts — 1

Justin and I both thought quality time would be our love languages, and we were somewhat close to being right. Justin’s results stated that quality time was his love language when he first took it a few years ago, but shifted to acts of service when he retook it for me this week — which is really interesting to me. So if you’ve taken this test in the past, you may want to take it again to see if your results have changed! We’re blessed to have quality time at the top (or close to the top in Justin’s case) of our lists because we’re able to provide love to each other in the same way we prefer to receive it.

With my love language being quality time, I receive love the best by Justin taking the time to simply be with me and do things we enjoy together, while Justin’s top love language, acts of service, says that he appreciates being helped and being offering assistance on anything that’s weighing on him.

Take this quiz by yourself or with your significant other and please let me know your results in the comments below! I’d love to hear if you got the results that you thought you would. I’ve been planning on doing this post for weeks, so I’m so excited to hear what your love language is. 🙂

Happy Wednesday, everyone! (P.S. How pretty are these roses Justin got me for our 3-year anniversary last Friday?!)



    1. Thank you, Jo! There are so many different ways to show and receive love, so it’s so cool to learn what your love language is. It definitely has made me feeling more self-aware in my relationship too. Thanks for reading & commenting! 🙂

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