This Time Last Year

This Time Last Year

This time last year, things were much different than they are now. I think reflection is so important, especially when analyzing your growth and finding gratitude in what you have. Today’s post is a deep dive into the contrast of where my life is in the fall of this year vs. last year, the struggles I was going through at the time and my advice on gaining a new perspective to get to where you want to be.

Let’s not beat around the bush…

This time last year, I left a job that was totally toxic to my sanity and happiness. That sounds way more dramatic than I want it to, but that’s the best way to describe it that I can think of. It took countless people in my life telling me to move on before I actually did it, and when I did, I instantly wished I would have done it sooner. Coming out on the other side of it, I realized the environment I was willingly waking up for and driving myself to every morning where I’d make countless mouse clicks (and that’s really all it felt like to me internally) wasn’t were I should be or needed to be.

This time last year, I was struggling to find a job. I quit my job before I had a new one because I had to, and though it was risky, I did it. Though I was going on lots of interviews, timelines weren’t lining up, the content of the job wasn’t the right fit, there was no connection or communication dwindled. I was frustrated with myself and those around me involved in the process, and it ate away at me day by day. I did my best to stay upbeat, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t experience any breakdowns during that two month period. Some days I’d wake up feeling on top of the world and full of optimism, while other days I’d drag myself out of bed just to sit on my laptop all day filling out applications, questioning if I even had anything good to offer. I was using all of my resources and it felt like they were all coming up dry. Looking back, I know none of those jobs were meant for me and I was supposed to end up exactly where I am now, but of course I didn’t know that at the time.

This time last year, I never would have guessed I’d be writing this post from my own house today, going to a job I love with pep in my step. Being a home owner seemed like such a distant goal and wasn’t something I was even remotely considering until eight months ago, and I never would have guessed it would be possible while I was unemployed this time last year. I never would have thought I’d book multiple travel collaborations (my first ones ever!), which once felt like such a lofty goal. And with all of those things aside, I’m in a good headspace and I certainly didn’t need a house or travel collabs to get there. My stress levels have decreased and there’s an inner peace within me that I’m so grateful for. Life became so much sweeter in a handful of ways in the last year that 2017 me wouldn’t even believe it. She’d be speechless.

I’m writing this post for a few reasons, the biggest one being that if you’re struggling, please know that so many things can change in a year. Whether it’s bad circumstances turning to good or good circumstances turning to bad, be appreciative of all of the good things in your life presently because you never know when they can go away, and know that the bad will pass. Nothing is permanent, even when it seems there’s no end in sight. I’m saying this as a person who’s been there and though I always like to look on the bright side, I recognize things haven’t always been bright, and aren’t always going to be bright. However, if you open your eyes, heart and mind to what you can control (including your attitude toward whatever situation you’re in within every aspect of your life), each day gets a little sweeter, bit by bit.

If the life road map you’ve designed in your own mind gets smudged or there’s a roadblock, turn the page. Consider options you didn’t think were possible and circumstances you thought may be out of your control, but may actually not be. Look at everything before you with a new perspective and don’t write off possibilities because they seem unrealistic or unreachable. You can reach them. This time next year can be completely different for you and you may soon be living a life you’ve only had dreams about. Don’t ever let someone else drive your life, whether it’s a boss at a job you feel like you can’t leave, or a voice inside your head that only seems to speak up on your bad days to tell you your options are limited. They’re not.

There’s more out there for you, even if it’s new and scary. A sucky job or a trial you’ve never experienced is temporary, and you’ll come out on the other end much stronger. I can’t wait to see where I am this time next year.


I encourage you to reflect on where you were and what your mindset what this time last year. What are some positive changes you’ve made in your life since and some struggles you’ve overcome? Where you do you want to be this time next year? Thanks so much for reading this personal post — I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about today, but this felt right. I hope this inspires you to push through trials and strive for things that seem like distant or unrealistic goals, because you never know how truly close those things could be until you try.