Third Trimester Update (Baby #2)

I’m sitting at the end of my third trimester, and just like that, another pregnancy is coming to a close! The last 9 months have felt so quick and I truly can barely wrap my head around the fact that it’s already May. Pregnancy is such an uphill journey and when you reach about 38 weeks, that “could today be the day?!” feeling is so strong and unignorable. It’s hard to make any sort of plans and the pressure to get anything and everything done ASAP (even something as simple as laundry or routine grooming) is strong.
Here’s how my third trimester has been!

How far along are you now?
I’m currently 38 weeks and I FEEL IT.
Weight gain?
About 33-ish lbs.
Maternity clothes?
I have the Adam Sandler look going on most days. I simply can’t be bothered with putting on “real” clothes, especially if I’m not going anywhere (and I’m usually not). I’m pretty much strictly wearing pajamas.

I get up 1-2 times a night to go pee and I have to take one or more Tums in the middle of the night too. Even with all of that, I’ve actually been sleeping much better the past few weeks than I did previously!
Best moment this trimester?
This trimester has been tough physically, mentally and emotionally. I’ve been feeling run down physically, I was swamped with work for about six weeks getting all of my client stuff for my business done for the month of May in advance so I can take that time off for “maternity leave,” we had a death in the family + more. If I had to choose a best moment, I would say it would be really soaking in every little moment with Clay, as it will only be just her for a little longer.

Weird pregnancy moment?
I think I lost my mucus plug! I didn’t notice losing it last time. This one isn’t weird, but I must be pretty big and/or uncomfortable looking because strangers in public give me the “oh honey, when are you due…?” treatment (lol).
Baby movement?
Tons! Pretty much nonstop, which has my belly often feeling hard and overstretched.
Food cravings?
Still loving milk and carbs, and NOTHING tastes better than a smoothie to me these days. My go-to’s are Sunrise Sunset and Peanut Butter Cup from Tropical Smoothie Cafe, and I drink both in one day most of the time. 😂 I’ve also been loving lemonade — all I want are drinks!

Anything making you queasy?
My nausea has picked up the last week or two of pregnancy (mostly triggered by my almost never-ending acid reflux), but not too bad.
Favorite products?
My bed 🙂 and Tums 🙂

Name picked out?
Yes! We’ve bought a couple things with her name and initial on it (including the necklace above), so it’s official! Justin and I both love it and we’ve checked in with each other several times over the last few months, saying:
“…do you still like the name?”
“Yes… do you?”
We have a few middle name options we like, so we may see which feels right in the moment.

It’s all done and I love it so much. I love how it feels feminine and vintage in some ways, while also being a really calm and serene space. You can see more pictures of the nursery with links to everything in it here.

Something you’re looking forward to?
Getting labor over with — it’s sort of a dark cloud hanging over me, if I’m being honest. I’m really nervous for it and I hope it goes well! I’ve been trying to remind myself that this is a time of my life that I will look back on so fondly, because it really is such a special stage of life bringing our second child into the world… and that helps the fear/anxiety melt away a little bit.

How has this third trimester differed from your first pregnancy?
I’ve had a lot less time for rest. I’m on my feet much more while chasing around a toddler (+ we potty trained her this trimester!) and my body feels more worn down. I think I also have more stretch marks this time.

Thank you for following along on the journey of my second pregnancy. Follow me on Instagram for more updates, as we’re on baby watch and she could be here any day now!