Master Bedroom Update: New King Bed & Bedding
Welcome back to the blog! With my growing belly and a 50 lb dog that never wants to leave our sides (), our queen bed was starting to feel pretty cramped and we decided to upgrade to a king. Beds are expensive, so I did lots of research to find affordable, high-quality items that wouldn’t break the bank while still achieving our desired look. Here’s everything we bought & my thoughts on it all!
Bed frame
I can’t even begin to express how long it took me to find the bed I wanted. I probably looked at 1,000 different ones and spent so much time reading reviews and making mood boards to figure out what look we wanted. I almost got a wooden one from Ikea, then changed my mind and went with this Beige Finley Upholstered Platform Bed instead and I’m really happy I did! I love an upholstered headboard that’s comfy to lean on when watching shows, working on my laptop, etc. This one is the perfect beige color that pulls together the tones in our sunset print above the bed. I like the fun scallop/wave-like shape to it and the light wood legs. It’s perfect!
I did a decent amount of research before deciding on a mattress and we ended up going with the Tuft & Needle Original Mattress. This was our first time ever having a mattress in a box and it was cool to see it expand! I’m absolutely loving all the extra room. We also got this mattress cover on Amazon to go on top of it.
Previously with our queen bed, we had a duvet and Urban Outfitters duvet cover. With having a dog and me being a clean freak in general when it comes to bedding, it was a pain to wash it as often as I wanted to. For that reason, I wanted to get just a comforter this time around so it’s just one piece and much easier to clean. We went with the Fieldcrest Lightweight Linen Comforter Set in cream because I’d heard a ton of good things about Fieldcrest. I’m very pleased with it! I’m super into linen these days, so I loft the texture and softness of it. I find it to be the perfect thickness. 10/10!
I did research on these as well and I came across an article about the best sheets on Amazon and the Mellanni Bed Sheet Set was on the list, so that’s what we got! We got them in white and they’re under $40 and super comfy! I would for sure repurchase them and they come in a ton of different colors.
Lucia sleeps on our bed (never thought I’d be one of those people — blame Justin!!!), but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to compromise having clean bedding. To combat that, we lay a giant blanket over our bed that covers the entire thing that Lucia can sleep on top of that can easily be washed and refreshed. We’d been using a purple one and a black/gray checkered one that didn’t match at all that we already had, so I wanted to get one that would match our bedding and be less of an eyesore since it’s on the bed so often. We went with the Threshold Microplush Bed Blanket in sour cream from Target and it’s amazing. It’s unbelievably soft and looks so luxe (and most importantly, MATCHES! ).
We needed to upgrade to king size pillows as well and we’ve purchased 2 of the 4-6 we need so far. We ended up getting two of the Fieldcrest Down Alternative Density Medium/Firm Pillows and REALLY love them! I don’t like the kind of pillows that you sink into and swallow you up, and these don’t do that. To me, they’re the perfect density and are priced well.
Those are all the details on our new bed! We love it and are so glad we made the switch. So far, I highly recommend everything we bought. Our bed has never been cozier — or roomier! If you enjoy these types of posts, you can check out my other home content here and get the rest of the details on our bedroom (links to decorative pillows, our print and everything else) here.