Life Update: October 2018

Life Update: October 2018

Welcome back to the blog! I’m due for a life update on here, so today I wanted to take some time to fill you in on everything that’s been going on in my world lately with all the big life changes that have recently happened.

We officially moved in to our new house on Sunday and I’m still pinching myself! It’s so surreal that we own our own house. I’ll chat about this way more in my next house update, but pulling up to my garage for the first time after work on Monday and walking into a home of my own is the most amazing, “omg, is this my life?!” feeling. I just have this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that Justin and I were able to make this happen for ourselves, and we’re so immensely grateful for our family’s support along the way. We can’t thank them enough for their time and energy helping us move in and fix up the house. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Through all this excitement, life has been CRAZY these past couple weeks. I knew buying the house, doing renovations, moving and getting settled was going to be hectic, but that’s honestly an understatement. I feel so frazzled and unorganized with most of my life still packed away in boxes and not knowing where we want to put everything yet. Here are some of the things that happened during our first couple days at the house that are a little unfortunate, but mostly comical:

  • I used conditioner as shampoo night one. Twice.
  • The on/off switch on my hair dryer apparently broke during the move and flew across the room when I tried to turn it on. It got stuck in the “on” position and I had to pray I didn’t get shocked each time I plugged it in to use it. Lovely.
  • The electrician showed up Tuesday morning earlier than I expected and I was literally NAKED when he knocked on the door. I had to run to put clothes on and since most of my clothes are still in boxes, I squeezed into a pair of skinny jeans and threw a robe on top.

Up until yesterday, I hadn’t posted on Instagram in two weeks and I legitimately felt guilty about it, weirdly enough. That sounds so stupid, but it’s true. I’m someone who always preaches consistency when it comes to running your blogging business, so this unintentional break was a first for me and felt so foreign. It wasn’t my intention to take a break, but these insane past two weeks forced me to, and maybe that was good for me in some way and allowed me to focus on what was important. Now that we’re getting settled, I’ll be getting back into the swing of things and I think the new space with give me new inspiration!

It’s so crazy that it’s October already and there are some things about this month that make me extra excited to be in a house. One is that we’ll have trick-or-treaters of our own for the first time ever (lol). I was never that big into going trick-or-treating as a kid (I think I was scared to knock on people’s doors) and haven’t dressed up since 4th grade, but I do like passing out candy and the overall vibe of the holiday! I lived in the country as a kid so we didn’t have many kids stop by our house, but that won’t be the case in our new suburban neighborhood! We’re probably about to get rocked by hundreds of kids.

Another thing I’m excited for is Riverdale starting next week! I’ve convinced pretty much everyone I know to watch it so if you haven’t already, definitely give it a try. Justin and I switched over to Xfinity from AT&T when we moved, now giving us faster internet + channels we can stream so I can watch Riverdale live! It’s the little things. 😊

As for weekend plans, I hope to start painting our cabinets and/or vanities, get fully organized and finish laying our flooring in the living room in kitchen. I plan to do some montage clips like I did in my last YouTube video and walk you guys through the house to talk about all the updates + decor.

That’s all for now! Thanks so much for catching up with me and check back for a new blog post on Friday!