I Saw a Hot Air Balloon and Everything Changed

I Saw a Hot Air Balloon and Everything Changed

WOW, life is looking really different since I last talked to you on here… and it’s only been two weeks. My day-to-day life has changed, as I am no longer working my previous job and I started an LLC, all within 24 hours. Yes, you read that correctly. Sit back and grab a snack because I’m going to do my best to catch you up to speed on where I’ve been and where I’m heading as I pursue my biggest dream: becoming a work-from-home mom.

Let’s backtrack. Long story short, I was loving and excelling at my job, but commuting into the office wasn’t feasible anymore. When things are working against you logistically, it’s time to face the music and make a change, even when it’s hard (and BOY has it been).

This year has rocked me. I was pregnant and became a mother during a global pandemic, and now I’m making a career change — all very life-altering and foreign new beginnings. Why am I sharing all of this? Well, I’m really hoping that this is a defining moment and revolutionary chapter in my story arc. Maybe I just don’t know it yet. Hopefully, that’s the case.

I should have known something big was about to happen in my life when I randomly saw a hot air balloon in the sky the morning my life flipped. For some reason, I felt the need to look up the symbolism of it right away, even though I’m not one to be into that kind of stuff. This is what I read:

I Saw a Hot Air Balloon and Everything Changed

My jaw dropped, as this was simply undeniable.

In an Instagram caption of mine a few days ago, I included the quote “there is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise” because this phrase could not more closely align with my current state. How am I “rising,” you ask? Well, I applied for my LLC on Wednesday last week, started my website from the ground up and launched it Friday morning.

I Saw a Hot Air Balloon and Everything Changed

As I clicked “publish” on my new website, I held my baby and turned on a random song from Spotify that had Hot Air Balloon in the title (which was god-awful, btw) because that just felt right in a satirical way. If all of this is new information to you, let me fill you in: I relaunched my freelance business, Bone & Bloom, with new services (social media, branding, graphic and web design), a completely new look and heightened ambition. I’ve always been a hard worker, first-person-in-the-office type of gal, and now I’m throwing all of that energy into my next chapter.

I don’t know where life is taking me from here, but I’m ready to fight for it. What I do know is that I’m moving in the direction that I need to be and that I want to be, even though it’s scary. I have so many dreams of being able to provide more for my daughter (and myself — let’s not forget that we’re important too, moms!) and I know the move to remote work, whatever that may be, is essential for us right now. I hope to share as much of this journey with you guys as I can, because I know I’m not alone in the struggle of needing and wanting to provide for my family, but also needing and wanting to be present. If you too are feeling the push to make a change, whether it be out of necessity or desire, please know that you have options and you can do this! I need to reread that a few times.

And so it begins.

Now accepting clients! Check out my website for more details on what I offer, client testimonials, work examples and more.

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