How I Pump at Work: Schedule + Essentials

Since I exclusively breastfeed my 4-month-old, pumping is part of my weekly routine when I go into the office two days a week. I’ve tried out a few different schedules and methods to see what works best for me and my milk supply, and now that I’ve been doing it for a few months, I’ve definitely developed some preferences and discovered some must-haves along the way. Here are my essentials, what pump I use, my schedule + tips!


Here’s everything I take with me to work to pump:

  • Elvie Breast Pump — I love how small and portable this is!
  • Pump charger
  • Haaka Silicone Breast Pump — I don’t have this exact one, but I wish I did because the lid would be so nice!
  • Milk bags (+ a pen to write on them)
  • Beis insulated bottle cooler
  • Large ziplock bag — I wash my parts out in the sink after each pumping session, then I put them in a ziplock bag and put it in the bottle bag in the fridge
  • Burp cloth — pumping can be messy, so this comes in handy a lot!
  • Wipes — sometimes necessary for milk cleanup
  • Baby Tracker app — used to track pumping sessions, feedings, sleep, etc.


When I’m with Clay, I breastfeed her every 2-3 hours (usually 2-2.5 hours) on one side, and I switch sides every feeding. On the days I go to work, I wake her by 7:15 a.m. to breastfeed her on both sides before I leave to help relieve pressure. While I’m at the office, I’ve tried out two different schedules:

  • Pumping both sides every 3 hours
  • Pumping one side every 2-2.5 hours, sometimes with the Haaka on the other side, sometimes not

The difficult part about pumping is finding a schedule that allows you to pump enough milk to replace what your baby drinks while you’re gone, but not too much that your supply gets boosted to an amount that’s more than your baby can consume. I dealt with oversupply early on in my breastfeeding journey and it was HARD, and not something I want to experience again. Your baby changing how much they eat due to growth spurts and things like that too can make finding the right amount of pumping to be tricky as well. It’s been a learning process of trial and error for me, but the second schedule of every 2-2.5 hours has been working the best currently! With this schedule, I pump 15-20 ounces while I’m at work.

I commute back home at the end of the day with my milk in my insulated bottle bag with a few freezer sticks that it came with. When I get home, I put all the bags in the freezer (usually 3-4 bags) flat so they take up less space when they freeze. Once they’re frozen, I put them all in a large collective ziplock bag that’s labeled the month they were pumped (i.e. March 2021).


I personally love it! I can’t imagine taking a bulky pump to work since this one is so small and convenient. I love that I can stick it in my bra and that it allows me to be hands-free so I can do other things, including walking around. It charges fast and holds a charge for a while, and I don’t really have anything negative to say about it. Convenience is key for me, so I’m a big fan!


Keep milk bags at work.
A few weeks ago, I didn’t realize I’d used all of my bags I carry around with me and I had to leave work to go buy more, so I’d recommend keeping a box of them at your desk.

Track your time and milk.
I use the Baby Tracker app to track when I’m pumping, for how long and how much milk I’m getting out of each side. This really helps me feel organized! I sometimes like to check in with whoever is watching Clay to see how much she’s eating and if I’m on track to replace that milk.

Use the Haaka if you need more.
If you’re already breastfeeding, I’m sure the Haaka is no stranger to you. Putting this on one side while you pump the other one helps you get extra milk, plus it’s small and easy to travel with. I rinse it out and put it in the Ziplock bag with my pump parts in the fridge when I’m done using it at work. Also, if your pump gives out on you for some reason (or you forget it one day I like I did), the Haaka is a good backup!

Bring a burp cloth.
Pumping can be messy, so I use this for quick cleanups. I always regret it when I forget to bring it!


I think that covers it! In my experience, exclusively breastfeeding and working outside of the home is totally doable — it just takes some extra effort. Thanks so much for reading and leave any questions you have below!