Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, guys! This week has been so hellish with stress due to the big move to our new house that I’m not sure I’m ready for the weekend either — I’m feeling unprepared and I’m trying my hardest not to rip all of my hair out! 😅 Anyway, like I enjoy doing every few weeks, today I’m sharing a Friday Favorites post filled with everything I’ve been loving, obsessing over and can’t get enough of from fashion, to crime TV and the most addicting series on YouTube you need to be watching!

Friday Favorites


Crime TV: What Happened to Morgan Ingram?
There are a few plots/storylines that really captured my attention this week, one being the case of Morgan Ingram. This case is so interesting and unique to me that I’m actually so surprised I haven’t seen YouTubers like Kendall Rae or Danelle Hallan cover it. Basically the whole death is extremely suspicious and it’s a toss up as to whether Morgan’s death was a murder or suicide, and there are so many clues within how her body was found that leave you questioning absolutely everything. I think she was murdered, but give it a watch & let me know what you think! I think the way her hands we’re placed/posed freaks me out for than anything. Above is Part 1 and the rest are linked below.



Shane Dawson’s “The Mind of Jake Paul” series
I’ve talked about Shane before, but he’s the only YouTuber Justin and I watch together and we always get SO EXCITED for his new content. He’s come out with one of the most interesting series this week over the very controversial Jake Paul and it’s centered around sociopaths — this is right up my alley! As I’m sure you can tell, I always get so sucked in to this type of stuff. Shane’s videos are more like documentaries, and just like all of his videos before, this one does not disappoint! I believe it’s projected to be a 8-part series, but so far just Part 1 (above) and Part 2 are up.

Sweaters + boots
Last but not least for today, these are the clothing pieces and accessories I’ve been loving most this week and highly recommend for you guys. Fall weather has arrived here in Indy, and as much as I was clinging on to summer, I think I’m okay with the cooler temps now that I get to wear some new season appropriate pieces. Linked below are my three favorites, two tops from American Eagle and a pair of combat boots from Franco Sarto (thanks so much to them for sending these my way!) that I never want to take off. Light sweaters and tops like these ones are great transitional pieces when it’s not quite freezing cold yet, and these boots look and feel so high end. I wore combat boots all the time in high school and college, so I feel so much like myself in them. Love, love, LOVE!

What have you been loving this week? Keep up with our insane moving weekend on my Instagram story and stay tuned for another video on my YouTube channel soon sharing more of the process. Fingers crossed I don’t go crazy this weekend! Have a great one, everyone!