A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Daughter,

Hi pretty. It’s your mom. I’ve never written a letter like this to someone I haven’t met before, but you seem like the perfect person to do this for.

I’ve dreamed about you for many years, maybe even my whole life. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and even though you’re not here yet, I feel so incredibly blessed to be yours. So much had to go right for you to even be formed, and I want you to know you are and always have been so wanted. The day I saw you on the ultrasound, kicking like crazy, was a day I will hold close to me for the rest of my life. Me and someone I love so much made that and we get to keep her forever? What a blessing.

I’ve been holding you close inside of me for 7 months now and my whole world is consumed with what life will be like once you join us here on the outside. As expected by everyone who knows me, I’ve done a lot of prep work, planning and organizing for your arrival down to the smallest details. We’ll see if you get that trait from me. As much as I can prepare for you, there’s still so much I don’t know. As someone who will become such an important role in my life, I can’t help but wonder who will you be? What kind of interests will you have? What will you look like? How will the rest of my pregnancy and delivery go? What will your first few days here with us be like?

I hope your presence is equal parts calming and inspiring to those around you. I hope you’re a light and that you bring happiness to others and yourself. I hope you’re sweet and strong, and hopefully not shy like your mother (but if you are, that’s okay too). I hope you’re ambitious and welcoming. I hope you approach life with a positive attitude and a humble heart. I hope you’re passionate like me and so giving like your dad. I hope you know how capable you are and that you can do anything you set your mind to, always.

As a female bringing another female into this world, I feel especially driven to lead by example and be a great role model for you. Personally, as a woman, I’ve found my greatest strength and confidence in being an individual. I feel the most me when I’m doing my own thing, and that’s something I’ve learned with age. Having a daughter is such a dream come true for me, and if you’re anything like me, I hope you find confidence in being your own person too. I hope you know you are welcomed and encouraged to be whoever you want to be and that your dad and I will support you no matter what. I want you to have the best life and I will spend the rest of my life making that happen.

I will be forever grateful for you, and also for you making me a mother. Just as I have so many dreams for you, you have made one of my biggest dreams come true by just being here. We can’t wait to meet you.

With love,