Let’s Talk: Finding Inspiration in Your Everyday Life

Let's Talk: Finding Inspiration in Your Everyday Life

Inspiration is so important to me. It’s what gets me to jump out of bed in the morning, eager for whatever the day has to come and motivates me to simply have a good day. Without these things, my weeks are sluggish, leaving me feeling equally unproductive as I am uninspired. Today’s “Let’s Talk” post is on a topic we all can relate to, so I’m here to start the conversation and provide some of my personal favorite ways of finding inspiration in my everyday life.

I like to consider myself a relatively inspired person, which you have to be to do what I do I think. I often get asked how I’m able to keep up with basically working 2+ full-time jobs, and I truly feel that finding consistent inspiration in my passion is what keeps me going. It’s normal to have blah days here and there, but these are my best tips for making those better.

I can really appreciate me time, especially in the morning and at night — but the morning one is key for me having inspiration throughout the entire day. Every morning I get up and sit at my desk/vanity and watch YouTube videos while I do my hair and makeup, and that always seems to get my day off on the right foot. A lot of the women I watch are in the creative industry like I am (or I watch true crime videos because I love them 🤪), so I find that beneficial from a relatability perspective. Once I get to work (I like to get there early), I scroll through Pinterest a little bit, reply to blog comments/emails and other little things that leave me feeling happy and optimistic of what the day will bring.

I also get a lot of inspiration from podcasts. I think what allows me to have inspired thoughts is peace of mind, and podcasts really help slow my thoughts and allow me to focus on topics that entertain or motivate me. Whether I’m driving somewhere or working, I pretty much always have a podcast playing and it makes time go by so much faster in the best way possible. The topics help me recharge, increase my focus and ignite my passion. It’s so uplifting to hear other people talk about their interests and what drives them, and it causes me to self-reflect by doing the same. If you haven’t gotten on the podcast train yet, you need to! Here are some I enjoy:

Another big tip is to exercise your hobbies or interests. Whether it’s going for a run, blogging, reading, painting, etc., try to sprinkle at least a little bit of that into your everyday life. Whatever these things are to you are your favorites for a reason, and they are likely to ignite some joy and inspiration within you. No matter how busy you are (or think you are in most cases), try not to neglect these.

I think another key for being inspired is to get excited about the little things in life. Whether it’s the face wash you use in the morning, the new meal you packed for lunch, the outfit combo you’re rocking for the first time or fun plans you have coming up, those little things brighten my mood and inspire me to work hard and be the best version of myself. I know it sounds silly, but we all know it works! To upkeep this feeling, I like to make plans (even if it’s watching the latest video from my favorite true crime YouTuber when I get home) and make fun little adjustments here and there to my schedule.

I like to make lists as well. It’s a proven fact for me that crossing things off my to-do list makes me want to continue to be productive by adding more to my list. I love the feeling of accomplishment and knowing that I’ve achieved these things boosts my self-confidence, making me inspired to try new things. Lists help give my life structure and stability, as well as going for aspirations I normally wouldn’t because I didn’t think I had time for them. An organized, go-getter mindset is so inspiring for me! I’m a pen and paper kind of gal, but I’m looking to switch to digital since I pretty much never have those things with me.

Though I’m an introvert, social interaction helps stimulate my mind and inspire me too. I don’t think I could ever be a person who works from home all by myself all day every day (been there for a couple months and it definitely wasn’t my thing at the time), because I see such a positive difference when I interact with friends/family, even if it’s brief. Conversation with others allows me to discuss things that are on my mind, get feedback on ideas I have and we get to inspire each other all at the same time. It’s great to have an accountability partner when chasing after things you want, and it doesn’t have to be someone who’s doing the same things as you.

What inspires you most in your everyday life? How have you altered your daily routine into one that motivates you? Let’s talk in the comments!



  1. Love all these tips — I need to be better about my morning routine. It’s totally weird but I get a lot of my ideas and inspiration for blog posts in the shower.

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