
Gender Reveal: We’re Having a…

Gender Reveal: We're Having a...

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Gender Reveal: We're Having a...

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Gender Reveal: We're Having a...

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Gender Reveal: We're Having a...


You guys, I’m absolutely shocked!!! Justin thought it was a girl all along, but I had been heavily leaning toward boy leading up to our 20-week anatomy scan ultrasound (which we did last Friday at 18 weeks). I had no true reason to think it was a boy (it wasn’t really a “feeling” or anything, more of an assumption), but that’s what I’d convinced myself it was. The whole time we were watching the anatomy ultrasound, I was picturing what I thought was *probably* a little baby boy. Since Justin wasn’t allowed inside because of COVID (which he put up a fight about since we both had masks and they were taking temperatures anyway, but it didn’t work 😅), we had the technician put the gender in an envelope so we could open it together in the car. When I got back to the car, we looked at the ultrasound pictures in awe of our little baby before opening the envelope. When we opened it, I scanned it at rapid speed to see where I thought it would say “boy” and it said, “IT’S A GIRL!” I think my mouth hung open for 5 minutes straight in pure shock. Justin was right! We woke Lucia up when we got home and informed her she’ll be getting a sister. 😂

We’re absolutely over the moon to be adding a sweet baby girl to our family! I was (and still am) so close with my mom growing up, so the thought of having that kind of relationship with a daughter of my own is so incredibly special to me. I feel like my soul needs a daughter, you know? My pregnancy does feel more real now that I’ve seen the baby and know the gender, but I did spend most of the day in absolute shock. It was so hard to focus on anything because my head was spinning with the news and everything we got to see. I barely slept that night because my mind was racing so much and I was so excited. My little GIRL that’s half Justin, half me! 😭💕 What a dream come true.

Now that I know it’s a girl, I can honestly admit that all the signs pointed to that. I don’t know if you believe in old wives’ tales at all, but almost all of them pointed to girl for me. I was super sick, my skin has been bad (and has gotten so much worse over the past week or two), I’m craving candy a lot lately, the Chinese and Mayan calendars said girl, the ring test said girl, I’ve been hot/sweaty lately for no reason, the heart rate has always been over 140 (161, 154 and 148 this last time) AND I’ve been moody. I know these have been so wrong for so many people, but I just think it’s funny that all of these pointed to girl and I still convinced myself it was a boy. In addition to this, I randomly kept seeing ads for Girl Dad shirts the days leading up to finding out. Since I had been equally searching girl and boy stuff online, I did think this was kind of odd at the time that it was only recommending these shirts to me and not also Boy Dad/Mom shirts. Maybe it was a sign!

Speaking of girl dad, from the beginning, I’ve been able to picture Justin with a daughter much more than a son for some reason. But in contrast, I feel like I can picture what our son would look like much more than what our daughter will look like. Anyway, Justin is truly is going to be the best, sweetest and most fun dad and I absolutely cannot wait to see him in that role. He’s so excited to have “his girls.” We’re so happy!

Rewinding for a sec — it was so crazy to see an actual BABY inside of me. Our last ultrasound was at 6 weeks when all we could see what a flashing heartbeat on a blob, so to see little arms, legs, hands, feet and a little face was the coolest experience. I believe she was sideways with her head on my right and her legs on the left. Little girl did NOT stop moving the entire time! She’s quite the wiggler and the ultrasound tech joked “he or she, you should put them in soccer!” I always give Justin a hard time about moving too much (especially as we’re trying to fall asleep), so it looks like someone is already taking after dad, am I right?! 😉


Justin isn’t a fan of gender reveal parties and since we knew we wanted to find out the gender on our own anyway, that kind of left us stuck on what to do to spread the news to our families. I felt like I would regret not doing something fun, and especially since it’s our first baby, I wanted to make a little celebration out of it because just simply telling our family felt a little bland.

Gender Reveal: We're Having a...

The evening after we learned she’s a girl, we went to Target in search of something fun to do with our families without much of a plan. Justin suggested pinatas, so we ran around the store trying to find what kind of pink stuff we could fill it with. The only pinata options were avocados, a pineapple, a taco, a Paw Patrol character and a Troll, so we went with the two avocados. Target didn’t sell pink confetti, so we made our own out of tissue paper and streamers. Just when we were about to give up on tracking down pink candy, I spotted bags of just pink Starburst, which worked perfectly. Our families smashed open the pinatas at each of our respective Father’s Day celebrations and it was so fun to see their reactions!


I could go on and on because this is all still so new and fresh for us, but I’ll stop here. Thank you so much for stopping by & for following along with our lives & my pregnancy. Now I can finally share my nursery inspiration with you guys! Also, feel free to send me all your favorite baby girl shops!

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