Let’s Talk: Living Together

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Living with your significant other brings a new, exciting change to your relationship. You have to get used to sharing the same space, dividing up who is going to do what, and simply grow accustomed to spending even more time together than you may have already been doing. Do you live with your significant other? I’d love for you to join the discussion, so please leave me a comment on what your thoughts are!

Let’s get into it:

I believe getting to know your partner on an even more personal level is knowing how they live. This is about as personal as it gets. Do they make the bed? How often does he/she change the sheets? How frequently do they clean? Do they put their stuff away every day or do they tend to leave it where it is? These all seem like simple, meaningless things, put you’ll quickly find what your similarities/differences are when you begin living together.

For Justin and I, choosing to live together as an engaged couple was a natural choice and a preferred process to go through. I have found that the “living together” time period is great for taking your relationship to an even deeper level and learning to truly work and thrive together. I also love that we've been able to be side by side throughout the entire wedding planning process as we prepare for married life!

I think living together before marriage is great for realizing if you are able to spend that much time with each other. If you’re used to only seeing your significant other a handful of times a week, cohabiting could open your eyes to what married life will be like if you choose to go in that direction. Justin and I spent most of our time together before we moved into our first official place, which essentially eliminated any surprises for us. 

I like that Justin and I have started our post-grad life together from the very beginning. We knew our future together was important to us and wanted to put focus on that right away, so we got jobs within 40 minutes from each other and we live in the middle. We are each other’s biggest supporters and I love knowing I get to come home to him from work every day. We eat dinner together every night and talk about our days. This is such a simple pleasure that I love so much and it’s something I truly look forward to every day. We're a team. We start and end every day together, and living together has helped us build an even more solid foundation for our upcoming marriage. I can't believe it's only a matter of months until we become an official family of two! :)

What is your favorite thing about living with your partner? Did you choose to live together before marriage, or did you wait until after the wedding? What surprised you most (if anything) when you started living with your significant other? Leave me a comment and let's chat!

Curious what our first apartment looks like? Check it out here.

Also, be sure to check out my last (and first!) "Let's Talk" post on college relationships.


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