How You Can Support Your Favorite Bloggers

How You Can Support Your Favorite Bloggers

Are you a loyal blog reader wondering how you can share the love? Today I’m talking about how you can support your favorite bloggers to help them expand their reach, grow their audience and in turn gain more business opportunities. This is a question I get from family members frequently and thought others could benefit from this too!

How You Can Support Your Favorite BloggersSo you love blogs, huh? Me too! Blogging is a growing industry in this digital age, therefore the market is saturated with a mix of veteran and rookie-bloggers trying to get their content seen. Blogging and the purpose of it can be difficult to fully comprehend for those that are unfamiliar with the industry, often leaving them unsure of how they can even support you in the first place — so here are a few.

Read all of their blog posts.
Visit their blog daily or whenever they post something new. If you like their content, you likely do this already! This helps them raise their view count, and in turn, gain more work opportunities with brands. An increase in page views can boost their SEO standing to help even more people find their content — it’s a domino effect! Even a minute or two of your time spent on their blog can help, so check back often.

Browse their shoppable links.
Bloggers gain a tiny percentage (and I mean tiny) when their affiliate links are clicked or purchased through, so simply browsing their shoppable links and widgets helps them bring in some extra pennies. It may sound small, but all of this can build up to a paycheck of extra cash over time, so if you’re feeling generous, click away! Lots of big bloggers make a lot of money this way.

Follow them on social media.
Brands often reach out to bloggers based on many things, two of the biggest being (1) the quality of their content, and (2) their social media content follower count. Simply following your favorite blogger on social media (even if you’re not a “social media person”) helps boost their chances of booking cool brand opportunities.

Engage: like, comment, share and retweet.
So you’re following them on social media: now what? Engage, engage, engage! Interacting with their posts by liking, commenting and sharing their content helps get their posts seen, expands their reach and increases their engagement level across all platforms. Brands sometimes ask to see blogger’s engagement levels to determine if they want to work with them and how much they’d pay them if they do, so you’re contributing to our income by simply clicking the like button and leaving a comment!

Tag them when you buy or test out a product or service they recommended.
If you decided to buy or try out something because you saw it on someone’s blog, give them a shoutout! I think this is common courtesy anyway, but sharing your experience allows your friends/followers to become familiar with the blogger too, expanding their online reach. Also, feedback on their recommendations helps bloggers know what type of content their readers enjoy most, giving them an idea of what direction to go in moving forward.

Attend events they host.
Bloggers can also book event-hosting opportunities and simply showing up helps their turnout — plus it makes them feel a lot less awkward to see someone they know or who’s familiar with them! The presence of attendees will make the brand and the blogger feel good, successful and that the planning was all worth it, so everybody wins!


I hope this post gave you some quick insight on how you can support your favorite bloggers in helping them reach their goals. Who are your favorite bloggers that you keep up with the most? With that being said, I want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who read my blog, follow along with me on social media and support me. It truly means so much to me! If you’re a blogger, share this post with your friends and family for a quick rundown on how they can help encourage you to chase your dreams. Thank you for visiting the blog today & have an amazing day!


  1. Love all of your tips and couldn’t agree more with every single thing you said! Keep up with all your amazing and hard work girl. We love reading your blog and following along!

    xo, Lydia

  2. This really needed to be said! Hopefully it’ll help some people understand some of the business aspects behind blogging!

    1. I hope so too! A lot of people think blogging is about wanting attention and free stuff (I could go on and on about this for days), but that’s so not the case! It’s about running your own business and working way harder than people think. 👊🏻 Thanks so much for reading, Eva!

  3. Thanks for posting this, I had no idea! One other thing I just found out, I read lots of blogs through Feedly. I am starting to click through to the post instead of reading it on their feeder, I want to make sure you guys know I am reading!

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