How to Become a Morning Person


I find myself being the most motivated and productive when I get up early and begin my day in a positive way. However, as we all do, I love sleep and I’ve been in need of a bit of inspiration for starting my day earlier, allotting myself more time to get things done — and making it a habit. Today I’m going to be sharing with you some tips on how to become a morning person and make your mornings something to look forward to!

Stick to a sleep schedule.
It’s important to stick to a sleep schedule to get yourself used to a routine, making it easier for you to wake up in the morning. End your day at a reasonable time in order to get the number of hours of sleep you need to get up early and feel fully rested.

Give yourself something to look forward too.
Plan at least one thing each day that you’re excited about. It can be something simple like catching up on your favorite TV show or going out for lunch. Knowing that you’re going to do something fun each day will make you want to get up and moving, and will put you in a happy mood!

Set fewer alarms.
If you only set one alarm and avoid hitting the snooze button, you’ll train yourself to get up as soon as it goes off — rather than an hour later. Eventually it will become simple to wake up after the first alarm and you’ll no longer feel the need to try to squeeze in those extra 20 minutes of sleep. I know tho is difficult sometimes, but practice makes perfect.

Wake up your mind and body. 
Wake yourself up by washing your face, working out or going for a walk, eating a delicious healthy breakfast, or drinking lemon water. This gets your day started on the right foot and leaves you feeling optimistic and motivated for what the day holds! Lemon water helps wake you up and jumpstarts your digestive system, making it the perfect drink to begin your day with. Healthy breakfast options such as eggs and greek yogurt are always great to incorporate into your morning for added energy, healthy digestion, and protein.

Begin your day in a clean, peaceful environment.
Make your bed and tidy up each morning to keep your living space clean and clutter-free. This will help to relieve any added stressed caused by disorganization or chaos within your home. Take the time to do this everyday and you’ll realize that you enjoy waking up to a clean space so much more!


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