How To Start Living a Forward-Thinking Lifestyle


Forward-thinking: planning or tending to plan for the future; forward-looking

Everyone should strive to be a forward-thinker. This mindset puts all of your dreams, goals, and aspirations into perspective and gives you something to wake up for and work toward every single day. Those that practice this form of thinking are often called “visionaries.”

I didn’t always have this mindset, but within my last couple years of college I’ve become entirely driven by the future, always ten steps ahead and thinking about the next thing far before it has begun. As I’ve started to think this way, I’ve noticed how much more motivated and excited I am about life, what I’m doing, who I am, and what’s to come. The future has become such a thrilling thought for me.

People often struggle with planning for the future or considering “what’s next” due to fear. When starting this process, it’s important to remember that there is nothing wrong with your future not turning out how you planned for it to. Many are afraid to state what they want or make plans because they fear failure and self disappointment. Don’t be timid – the future is exciting! It’s anything and everything you want it to be and it’s incredibly important to put those desires into focus now so you can reach the fullest potential you’ve been yearning for.

To start living a visionary lifestyle, begin by making a list of everything you want – this can be in the form of paper, a vision board, a document on your computer, etc. Next, write down the steps you need to take to achieve each goal. These goals can be anything from getting a degree, traveling, buying something for yourself, you name it. You are far less likely to give up on your aspirations when you write them down, making yourself feel more accountable.

What steps are you going to take to begin living a forward-thinking lifestyle?


    1. Thanks Sara! This is something I’ve been focusing on doing everyday and it has really made such a positive change in my attitude and life outlook. Thanks for commenting 🙂

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