Healthy Snack Alternatives


Happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be sharing with you some simple healthy snack alternatives for when you’re craving a treat, but you’re not sure what to choose. This also serves as inspiration for items to pack in your lunch when you’re needing something quick and portable for a busy, on-the-go day. These are some of my favorites!

Organic Popcorn.
Organic popcorn is butter-free and contains far less salt than regular popcorn — and tastes just as good! If you don’t mind the plain popcorn taste, then organic is an easy choice. I’ve been enjoying Buddha Bowl’s Himalayan Pink organic popcorn. I find it to be a filling snack and it’s easy to just grab however much I need (depending on how hungry I am) without having to commit to an entire microwave bag.

When you’re really wanting a light, dairy snack like ice cream, go for yogurt instead. I’m a big fan of cold treats, so yogurt has been my top snack choice recently. Yogurt provides you with good, healthy bacteria and serves as a great source of calcium and potassium. Plus it comes in so many delicious flavors, similar to ice cream. My favorite is Yoplait’s Light yogurt — especially the orange cream, key lime pie, and strawberry orange smoothie flavors. It’s inexpensive and very delicious, so I highly recommend it!

Pita chips.
When you’re craving something crunchy and salty, choose pita chips instead of Doritos. My favorite are the plain Stacy’s Pita Chips, however they do come In a few other delicious flavors. Many people like to dip them in hummus, but I eat my plain and enjoy them just as much. It’s an easy snack to pack and take with you on the go, so I often like to incorporate some into my packed lunch for work.

Frozen grapes.
Frozen grapes are a great alternative to sugary popsicles. They taste just like a grape popsicle, except they’re all natural and much more healthy. Beware, they are very addicting and if you’re anything like me, you can easily devour the whole bag without even noticing. Pop them in the freezer overnight and you’re good to go!

When you’re craving a quick snack, such as pudding, choose applesauce instead. I’m a huge fruit fan, so applesauce is always an easy choice for me. You get to enjoy a refreshingly cold treat as you would with pudding, without the chocolate and added sugars. Make sure you choose an all natural one with minimal extra ingredients or sugars added. I also enjoy the other flavors, such as strawberry — it’s super good!

What are your favorite healthy snacks?

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