Finals Week Survival Guide


Get motivated.
Getting motivated is an important first step. For me, I like to map out my current standing in each of my classes, and figure out where I want to be at grade-wise when the semester ends. This helps me put my goals into perspective and it motivates me to work diligently. Sometimes getting started is the hardest part, so keep your goals in mind and take that first step!

Get prepared.
Get prepared by gathering your study materials: homework assignments, tests and quizzes, projects, etc. Pinpoint what areas of the courses’ curriculum you need to focus on, and plan accordingly. I like to highlight my notes as well as key questions on tests and quizzes that need to be reviewed the most. I find it to be very beneficial to make flashcards for key terms in order to help you run through the definitions and memorize them. I like the flashcard method because it allows you to divide of your content between stuff you know, stuff you kind of know, and stuff that you need to learn. Also be sure to set up a comfortable, distraction free study area.

Eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.
With all the frantic studying and cramming, it’s easy to forget to eat healthy meals and get plenty of sleep. Be sure to set aside time in your schedule to eat a nutritious meal three times a day. Set a limit for how late you will allow yourself to study and get some sleep! You’ll see a difference in how you feel when you wake up in the morning and continue this routine.

Take breaks and reward yourself.
I think the most important thing to remember about finals week is that it’s ok to take a break! Often times you will come back feeling refreshed and recharged, allowing you to perform better and retain more knowledge. When you’re feeling too stressed or overwhelmed, take a step back and allot yourself some time to take a breather, get some fresh air, and relax. Finally, reward your small victories to help you push forward and ace your exams!

Good luck to all of you during finals week! You got this.


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